Information from The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries
Fishing by tourists in Norway
New rules from 2018!
Welcome to your fishing holiday in Myrfjord Sjøhus and Norway!
The coastal fish stocks in Norway are under pressure and we need to increase our efforts to ensure that future generations will also be able to enjoy fishing as a sport or recreation in Norway. The fish in the sea are free for all, but we have a goal to safeguard fish stocks for the future. You are therefore very welcome to fish for free in Norwegian sea waters, provided that you follow a set of simple rules:
-Foreign tourists may only use handheld tackle when fishing in the sea. Tourists are not permitted to make use of nets, pots, traps, lines etc
You are allowed to take out 10 kg of fish or fish products upon leaving Norway. If you have been fishing from a registered fishing camp (Myrfjord sjøhus), you can take up to 18 kg of fish or fish products upon leaving. You have to wait for 7 days before you can take an additional 18 kilos out of the country.
Norwegian Customs will accept a receipt or corresponding proof of the stay issued to a named person in the travel party or by person. This proof must further include:the registered tourist fishing enterprise’s name, address and business registration numberthe name of the person or persons that have fished under direction of the enterprisethe period of the stay.
How many persons the stay applies toNorwegian Customs will also accept a printout of what the individual tourist fisher has reported to have fished to the enterprise. Such a printout must state:the enterprise’s identitythe person who has been fishinghow much that has been fished
The document may be printed when leaving, and must be stamped and signed by the enterprise.
The individuals named in the document must be present when the fish is exported from the country.
It is no longer permitted to export trophy fish in addition to the export quota.
Registered fishing camps are obliged to report catches to the fisheries authorities.
Each fishing trip and all catches, whether landed or released, of the following species are to be reported:
-You must keep a distance of more than 100 metres from the closest fish farm when fishing. All boat traffic shall keep a distance of at least 20 metres from fish farms and moorings for fish farms.
-Foreign tourists are not permitted to sell the fish they catch.
-Comply with the regulations for minimum size of fish.
The Directorate of Fisheries is happy to answer any questions in English, Russian or Norwegian. Contact us by email at info@fiskeridir.no.
Minimum sizes for fishing by tourists
With effect from 1 January 2010, all those fishing in the sea in Norway must follow the minimum fish size regulations. The objective of these regulations is to allow small fish to survive so that they can mature enough to reproduce.
If you catch a fish which is smaller than the minimum size, you must wet your hands with sea water and carefully free the fish from the fishing tackle then release it back to sea. If the fish is dead or not capable of surviving, you can keep it to eat.
In order to avoid catching a number of fish under the minimum size, you can for example move to a new fishing area or try using larger fish hooks.
A complete table of minimum fish sizes is provided at the end of this article. We have compiled our own brochures containing information on minimum fish sizes in Norwegian, Russian, English, German, Polish and Czech.
You can order these brochures by sending an email to info@fiskeridir.no.
King crab and coastal seal hunting
Tourists are not permitted to take part directly in catching king crab but a certain quota has been allocated to the tourist fishing industry in Finnmark.
Tourists with an approved marksman licence are permitted under certain conditions to take part in seal hunting on the coast, together with Norwegian citizens.
Enquire at your place of accommodation whether they have necessary quotas and permits if you want to take part in king crab fishing and coastal seal hunting.
Each fishing trip and all catches, whether landed or released, of the following species are to be reported:
Minimum size in Norway
Halibut/Kveite 85 CM
(Hippoglossus hippoglussus)
Cod/Torsk 44CM
(Gadus Morhua)
wolffish No minimum size
(Anarhichas lupus)
Saite/ Sei No minimum size
(Pollachius virens)